Laval University, Canada, April 30, 2024

On Tuesday, April 30th, Korea University's Office of International Affairs was visited by a delegation from Laval University, OBVIA, and the Quebec Government Delegation in Seoul from Canada. The delegation consisted of:

Dr. Eugénie BROUILLET, Vice-Rector of Research, Université Laval

Dr. Olivier MORONI, Assistant to the Vice-Rector and Head of Research Infrastructures and Special Projects- Université Laval

Mr. Daniel EZRA, Assistant Regional Director, Canada Economic Development

Dr. Lyse LANGLOIS, Director General, OBVIA

Dr. Steve JACOB, Scientific Director, OBVIA

Dr. Besma BENREDJEM, Scientist in Residence, Québec government delegation in Seoul

Ms. Yunhee LEE, Culture and Educational Affairs Attaché

Ms. Vanessa TAILLY-MAMBRO, Junior Advisor, Public Affairs and Governmental Relations

The delegation was greeted by:

Prof. Sang Kee SONG, Vice President, International Affairs

Prof. Heon-Jeong LEE, Vice President, Research 

Prof. Ik Rae Jeong, Associate Dean, School of Cybersecurity 

Prof. Junghee Lee, School of Cybersecurity

Prof. Sang Kee SONG, Vice President, International Affairs

Mr. Donghyun JANG, Director, Office of International Affairs

Dr. William STEWART, Associate Director, International Cooperation

The purpose of the meeting was to sign an MOU with the School of cybersecurity around the topics of cybersecurity, AI ethics and protection of personal data.  Moreover, Université Laval wanted to discuss potential research collaborations on the following priority topics: AI, Material Sciences, Forestry and environment. 

The meeting concluded with the exchange of gifts and photos.