Buddy Program
What’s KUISA?
KUISA(Korea University International Student Assistants)
- Help and guide Degree seeking International Students study in major.
Main Purpose of KUISA
- Help in becoming familiar with Korea University and student resources
- Help study International Students’ major
- To advise in course selection
- Promote interaction between the international students and regular Korea University students
- Hosting a Happy Hour, Students’ Festival and Cultural events.
Organization of KUISA
- Vice-president
- Director
- representative of each college
- representative of each college
- representative of each college
- representative of each college
- representative of each college
If you want to join KUISA, please contact Global Service Center.
Contact Information
- Email: gsc@korea.ac.kr / kuisarecruit@gmail.com
- Tel: 82-2-3290-5173, 5174
- Office: #201 Dongwon Global Leadership Hall