CETYS University, Mexico, April 11, 2024

On Thursday, April 11th, Korea University's Office of International Affairs was visited by a multi institution delegation from universities from Mexico, Japan, and China, in addition to representatives from the Embassy of Mexico in Korea and representatives from the Mexican government. The delegation consisted of:

Prof. Fernando LEON, President, CETYS University

Prof. Enrique PALAFOX, President, State University of Baja California

Prof. Salvador MORALES, President, Technological University of Tijuana

Prof. Florentino BADIAL, President, Ibero University

Prof. Shawn CHEN, President, SIAS University

Prof. Tatsuro TANIOKA, Vice President, Osaka University of Commerce

Prof. Juan TERRAZAS, Dean, College of Engineering, CETYS University

Ms. Dulce RODRIGUEZ, Director, Innovation Ministry of Economy and Innovation Baja California

Mr. Willberth R. SANCHEZ, CETYS University Asia Liaison

Mrs. Ana CORONA, Director, Investment Promotion, Ministry of Economy and Innovation

Mrs. Laura PARK, Embassy of Mexico in Korea

The delegation was greeted by:

Prof. Jae Hak LEE, Director, Center for Spanish and Latin American Studies 

Prof. Heyoun CHUNG, Department of Spanish Language and Literature

Prof. Hehyeon SOHN, Research Professor, Center for Spanish and Latin American Studies

Mr. Donghyun JANG, Director, Office of International Affairs

Dr. William STEWART, Associate Director, International Cooperation

Mrs. Sooyeon PARK, Manager, Exchange and Study Abroad Programs (Americas)

Mrs. JJ PARK, Manager, International Summer and Winter Campus

Mr. Sangheon NAM, Manager, Global Services Center

Mrs. Myeonghwa TIAN, Associate Director, Exchange and Study Abroad Programs (China)

Ms. Yeul JEON, Global Services Center

The purpose of the meeting was to exchange ideas on collaboration and share insights on addressing common challenges. The meeting concluded with the exchange of gifts and photos.