University of Hawaii Manoa, United States of America, April 02, 2024

On Tuesday, April 2nd, Korea University's Office of International Affairs was visited by a delegation from the University of Hawaii at Manoa along with representatives from the Flagship Language Program. The delegation consisted of:

  1. Mrs. Catharine CASHNER, Program Manager, The Language Flagship (NSEP)
  2. Mrs. Natalia SVYRYBA, Program Officer, The Language Flagship (IIE)
  3. Dr. Sang Yee CHEON, Director, Korean Flagships Center (UH Manoa)
  4. Prof. Mijeong PARK, Korean Flagship Overseas Program (UH Manoa)

The delegation was greeted by:

Prof. Sang Kee SONG, Vice President for International Affairs

Prof. Shinsook LEE, Director, Institute of Foreign Language Studies

Mr. Jongwoo PARK, Korean Flagship Overseas Program Coordinator

Dr. William Stewart, Associate Director, International Cooperation

Mrs. Ara JO, Korean Language Center (with delegation)

The purpose of the meeting was to visit Korea University as part of a broader site inspection visit for the Flagship Program. The meeting concluded with the exchange of gifts and photos.